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In his meetings with his disciples after his resurrection, Jesus repeated said 'Peace be with you'. The word he would have used for 'peace' is 'shalom', a Hebrew word which is arguably better translated now as 'wellbeing' - a holistic term encompassing physical, emotional and spiritual health. Following all the disruption and pain of the pandemic, we may feel we're not doing too well. We want to help. These tools and courses are to support you in finding wellbeing in every area of life.

A good first step is to download and complete one of these 'My pandemic experience' forms from CPAS - you can do this on your own or with your household.

Carbon Reduction

An important part of wellbeing is not just our own personal situation but a good relationship with God's creation around us. Starting on Wednesday 27 October at All Saints’ at 7.30pm, a course to help reduce carbon and look at sustainable lifestyles - it's much easier to make lifestyle changes when supported by others; this is an opportunity to discuss the effects of climate change in the time before and during COP26. There will be 7 meetings, a handbook will be provided, there is no change but you're welcome to make a voluntary donation. Either contact Jane Woolmer on or 0116 235 5237 or sign up below.


Wellbeing Journey

The Wellbeing Journey is a new series exploring holistic wellness: body, mind and spirit. It’s based around seven key areas of wellbeing – the wellbeing mindset, physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, financial and vocational – to help you discover how to run on a full tank.


We'll be running an online group taking this journey on a weekday evening from Tuesday 25 May.

Sign up below. Details of how to join the course will be sent by email.

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Bereavement Journey

Losing someone is always hard, but bereavement over the past year - whether Covid was involved or not - has had particular challenges and difficulties. This course is a chance to meet, online, with people in a similar boat, to support one another and to reflect on how we can deal with grief healthily.



When everything in our lives is thrown into the kind of confusion and disruption we're currently experiencing, we might start to wonder what life is all about.

Alpha is for anyone who wants to explore those questions. We're meeting online, using Zoom, so you can take part from the comfort of your own sofa. We'll be watching some short films and then talking through our thoughts and experiences together. No question is out of bounds and you are free to discuss as much or as little as you wish.

We'll be meeting at 8pm on Tuesday evenings, starting in May.

Details of how to join the Zoom will be sent through by email, please sign up below to receive them.

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Sign up for courses

Please let us have your details if you wish to take part in any of these courses. Details will be sent out by email closer to the time.


Thanks for submitting!

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